Update from No Smart Meters In Nova Scotia

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From: Peter Ripple <nosmartmetersinns@yahoo.com>
To: Board Nova Scotia Power <board@novascotia.ca>; Melissa Foshay <melissa.foshay@nspower.ca>; “investors@emera.com” <investors@emera.com>; Nova Scotia Power <productsupportinquiries@novascotiapower.ca>
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2018 4:36 PM
Subject: Update, on so called “smart meter” agenda
Friends, Journalists, Activists, NS Power, Utility Review Board & Investors:
I am past due for giving you an update on the smart meter file. Several have asked about how opting out will work.
I asked my contact at NS Power when the public will know about the plan for opting out, punitive fees if any, costs to read meters etc.  I was told that NSP will be submitting an opt out plan to the NS Utility and Review Board at the end of August.  If the plan is approved they will then notify people of the opt out plan.
When they first contacted me early in 2018 with concerns about my website and tried to lull me into believing that all would be well, they told me that they were not sure about how opting out would be handled. They said they believed there would be no fee.  They hoped that reading a meter would cost no more than $35. They thought that people might read their own meter and send in a card with the readings or take a picture of the meter and email it in.  If this method were employed, they thought that they would only send out a meter reader once a year. It may play out that way, but nothing will be certain until we see what they have asked the UARB to approve. It seems that the UARB is very co-operative with NSP. I expect they will get what they ask for.
Since I have received enough false information from NSP already, I have little reason to believe them now. Here is what I suspect is their game plan:
Since they have already announced their intent back in 2017 they will probably use the principle of “Tacit Agreement”.  It is a legal tem. In means that if you have not opted out, then you have opted in. They do not have to contact individual consumers to tell them that they plan to install a smart meter.   By making their public (though almost un-noticed) announcement, they have fulfilled their legal obligation.  Remember, there can be a large discrepancy between what is legal and what is ethical in the world of big business, and that seems to especially be the case where it comes to the agenda with smart meters North America, and in fact, the entire world.
Since they are waiting until the end of August to submit the plan, I expect that they will suggest that UARB not approve their plan until the end of December. Since they plan to begin installing meters in 2019, I would expect that they will begin immediately installing smart meters, without contacting   anybody. I suspect that they will only contact those people who have already opted out.
Because of the way NSP seems to be playing their hand, and the spin I see on their website about smart meters, I can only assume the worst. It is a shame that our NS MLA’s could not have followed the example of the MLA’s in New Brunswick where they have banned NB Power from installing any smart meters. One reason they gave, aside from health reasons, was a very faulty and unworkable financial plan.  That seems to be a common problem in other jurisdictions that now have the curse of smart meters.  It is usually “discovered” after implementing the AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure)  that the costs, both short and long term were grossly underestimated and rates need to be increased to cover “unexpected losses”.  I expect it will be the same in NS. We shall see.
As you probably know if you have visited the website NoSmartMetersInNS.ca, smart meters are not the only problem if you are interested in good health. All digital replacements of good old analog meters produce copious amounts of a nasty form of EMF radiation as a result of the transient voltages (dirty electricity) caused by the SMPS devices in all digital meters. NSP very carefully avoids addressing that problem on their website while stressing how little RF radiation these so-called smart meters produce.
Have a nice day,

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